The Elder Scrolls Online, Map of Khenarthi's Roost
Khenarthi's Roost
The island of Khenarthi's Roost is lush and dotted with moon sugar plantations. The Khajiit formed a treaty with the Maormer (also known as Sea Elves) here many years ago. The nearby waters are patrolled by Sea Elf "enforcers" who are known to interrupt trading ships, while enforcing this treaty.
- Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion (Starting area of the Aldmeri Dominion).
- Part of: Elsweyr (The homeland of the Khajiites).
- Cities: Mistral.
- Exposed to sky, surveying the strand (At the top of the wrecked tower in Eagle's Strand).
- Southern temple's hidden jewel (At the upper floor of Temple of the Crescent Moons).
- Along an inlet through the moon (On a small island to the west of Temple of the Dark Moon).
- Abandoned before mourning (In western part of Temple of the Mourning Springs).
- Sighted by serpents in Mistral (In western part of Mistral, near to Maormer Embassy's Private Quarters).
- Surly root-chewers burrow nearby (North of Windcatcher Plantation, next to the cave entrance (quest The Root of the Problem)).

Khenarthi's Roost
Cat's Eye Quay
Shattered Shoals
Eagle's Strand
Laughing Moons Plantation
Speckled Shell Plantation
Windcatcher Plantation
Temple of the Mourning Springs
Hazak's Hollow
Bolga's Hunting Camp
Rid-Thar's Solace
Temple of the Crescent Moons
Temple of the Dark Moon
Temple of Two-Moons Dance
Mistral Wayshrine
Khenarthi's Roost Wayshrine
Khenarthi's Roost Treasure Map I
Khenarthi's Roost Treasure Map II
Khenarthi's Roost Treasure Map III
Khenarthi's Roost Treasure Map IV
Khenarthi's Roost Treasure Map CE I
Khenarthi's Roost Treasure Map CE II
Skyshard (Exposed to sky, surveying the strand)
Skyshard (Southern temple's hidden jewel)
Skyshard (Along an inlet through the moon)
Skyshard (Abandoned before mourning)
Skyshard (Sighted by serpents in Mistral)
Skyshard (Surly root-chewers burrow nearby)