Skyrim Alchemy, Alchemical Ingredients Filter
This is a table-filter of all the alchemical ingredients that may be found in the vanilla versions of Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn and Heartfire. Using two or more ingredients that have the same magical effect will result in a potion. To find the ingredients with these same effects in the table-filter below, you may select any effect from the drop down list or click on any table cell.
Ingredient Name | Primary Effect | Secondary Effect | Tertiary Effect | Quaternary Effect |
![]() Abecean LongfinForm ID: 00106e1b Weight: 0.5 | Value: 15 This is a common ingredient (all apothecary merchants have a 36% chance of carrying 1-5 samples). Abecean Longfin is a fish that can be caught in ponds, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. It may be randomly found in fish barrels and apothecary's satchels. Locations with the greatest numbers are: Apprentice Stone and Abandoned Shack (Hjaalmarch), Wreck of the Winter War (Winterhold). |
Weakness to Frost | Fortify Sneak | Weakness to Poison | Fortify Restoration |
Ancestor Moth WingDG | Damage Stamina | Fortify Conjuration | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Enchanting |
Ash Creep ClusterDB | Damage Stamina | Invisibility | Resist Fire | Fortify Destruction |
Ash Hopper JellyDB | Restore Health | Fortify Light Armor | Resist Shock | Weakness to Frost |
Ashen Grass PodDB | Resist Fire | Weakness to Shock | Fortify Lockpicking | Fortify Sneak |
Bear Claws | Restore Stamina | Fortify Health | Fortify One-handed | Damage Magicka Regen |
Bee | Restore Stamina | Ravage Stamina | Regenerate Stamina | Weakness to Shock |
Beehive Husk | Resist Poison | Fortify Light Armor | Fortify Sneak | Fortify Destruction |
Bleeding Crown | Weakness to Fire | Fortify Block | Weakness to Poison | Resist Magic |
Blisterwort | Damage Stamina | Frenzy | Restore Health | Fortify Smithing |
Blue Butterfly Wing | Damage Stamina | Fortify Conjuration | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Enchanting |
Blue Dartwing | Resist Shock | Fortify Pickpocket | Restore Health | Fear |
Blue Mountain Flower | Restore Health | Fortify Conjuration | Fortify Health | Damage Magicka Regen |
Boar TuskDB | Fortify Stamina | Fortify Health | Fortify Block | Frenzy |
Bone Meal | Damage Stamina | Resist Fire | Fortify Conjuration | Ravage Stamina |
Briar Heart | Restore Magicka | Fortify Block | Paralysis | Fortify Magicka |
Burnt Spriggan WoodDB | Weakness to Fire | Fortify Alteration | Damage Magicka Regen | Slow |
Butterfly Wing | Restore Health | Fortify Barter | Lingering Damage Stamina | Damage Magicka |
Canis Root | Damage Stamina | Fortify One-handed | Fortify Marksman | Paralysis |
Charred Skeever Hide | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Restore Health |
Chaurus Eggs | Weakness to Poison | Fortify Stamina | Damage Magicka | Invisibility |
Chaurus Hunter AntennaeDG | Damage Stamina | Fortify Conjuration | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Enchanting |
Chicken's Egg | Resist Magic | Damage Magicka Regen | Waterbreathing | Lingering Damage Stamina |
Creep Cluster | Restore Magicka | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Carry Weight | Weakness to Magic |
![]() Crimson NirnrootForm ID: 000b701a Weight: 0.2 | Value: 10 This is a rare ingredient (it cannot be bought from merchants or found in random loot). Crimson Nirnroot is a special variant of nirnroot that can be found exclusively in Blackreach. There are 44 samples of Crimson Nirnroot plants within Blackreach. Related Quest: A Return To Your Roots (Collect 30 samples of the mysterious Crimson Nirnroot and deliver them to Avrusa Sarethi, Sinderion's former colleague). |
Damage Health | Damage Stamina | Invisibility | Resist Magic |
Cyrodilic Spadetail | Damage Stamina | Fortify Restoration | Fear | Ravage Health |
Daedra Heart | Restore Health | Damage Stamina Regen | Damage Magicka | Fear |
Deathbell | Damage Health | Ravage Stamina | Slow | Weakness to Poison |
Dragon's Tongue | Resist Fire | Fortify Barter | Fortify Illusion | Fortify Two-handed |
Dwarven Oil | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Magicka | Restore Magicka |
Ectoplasm | Restore Magicka | Fortify Destruction | Fortify Magicka | Damage Health |
Elves Ear | Restore Magicka | Fortify Marksman | Weakness to Frost | Resist Fire |
Emperor Parasol MossDB | Damage Health | Fortify Magicka | Regenerate Health | Fortify Two-handed |
Eye of Sabre Cat | Restore Stamina | Ravage Health | Damage Magicka | Restore Health |
Falmer Ear | Damage Health | Frenzy | Resist Poison | Fortify Lockpicking |
Felsaad Tern FeathersDB | Restore Health | Fortify Light Armor | Cure Disease | Resist Magic |
Fire Salts | Weakness to Frost | Resist Fire | Restore Magicka | Regenerate Magicka |
Fly Amanita | Resist Fire | Fortify Two-handed | Frenzy | Regenerate Stamina |
Frost Mirriam | Resist Frost | Fortify Sneak | Ravage Magicka | Damage Stamina Regen |
Frost Salts | Weakness to Fire | Resist Frost | Restore Magicka | Fortify Conjuration |
Garlic | Resist Poison | Fortify Stamina | Regenerate Magicka | Regenerate Health |
Giant Lichen | Weakness to Shock | Ravage Health | Weakness to Poison | Restore Magicka |
Giant's Toe | Damage Stamina | Fortify Health | Fortify Carry Weight | Damage Stamina Regen |
GleamblossomDG | Resist Magic | Fear | Regenerate Health | Paralysis |
Glow Dust | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Destruction | Resist Shock |
Glowing Mushroom | Resist Shock | Fortify Destruction | Fortify Smithing | Fortify Health |
Grass Pod | Resist Poison | Ravage Magicka | Fortify Alteration | Restore Magicka |
Hagraven Claw | Resist Magic | Lingering Damage Magicka | Fortify Enchanting | Fortify Barter |
Hagraven Feathers | Damage Magicka | Fortify Conjuration | Frenzy | Weakness to Shock |
![]() Hanging MossForm ID: 00057f91 Weight: 0.25 | Value: 1 This is an uncommon ingredient (all apothecary merchants have a 15% chance of carrying 1-5 samples). Hanging Moss is harvested from plants found growing off of dungeon ceilings, old trees, or rocky ledges. In addition, it may be randomly found in apothecary's satchels. Locations with the greatest numbers are: Solitude Catacombs (Solitude), Dustman's Cairn, and Kolskeggr Mine (The Reach). |
Damage Magicka | Fortify Health | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify One-handed |
Hawk Beak | Restore Stamina | Resist Frost | Fortify Carry Weight | Resist Shock |
Hawk Feathers | Cure Disease | Fortify Light Armor | Fortify One-handed | Fortify Sneak |
Hawk's EggHF | Resist Magic | Damage Magicka Regen | Waterbreathing | Lingering Damage Stamina |
Histcarp | Restore Stamina | Fortify Magicka | Damage Stamina Regen | Waterbreathing |
Honeycomb | Restore Stamina | Fortify Block | Fortify Light Armor | Ravage Stamina |
Human Flesh | Damage Health | Paralysis | Restore Magicka | Fortify Sneak |
Human Heart | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Frenzy |
Ice Wraith Teeth | Weakness to Frost | Fortify Heavy Armor | Invisibility | Weakness to Fire |
![]() Imp StoolForm ID: 0004da23 Weight: 0.3 | Value: 0 This is an uncommon ingredient (most of the apothecary merchants have a 21% chance of carrying 1-4 samples). Imp Stool is a mushroom found in various caves. It may be randomly found in apothecary's satchels. Locations with the greatest numbers are: Chillwind Depths (Hjaalmarch), Halldir's Cairn (Falkreath Hold), Tolvald's Cave (The Rift). |
Damage Health | Lingering Damage Health | Paralysis | Restore Health |
Jarrin Root | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Stamina | Damage Magicka Regen |
Jazbay Grapes | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Magicka | Regenerate Magicka | Ravage Health |
Juniper Berries | Weakness to Fire | Fortify Marksman | Regenerate Health | Damage Stamina Regen |
![]() Large AntlersForm ID: 0006bc0a Weight: 0.1 | Value: 2 This is an uncommon ingredient (it can be bought from apothecary merchants only with the Merchant perk). Large Antlers may be dropped by male deer and elk (50% chance). In addition, it may be randomly found in apothecary's satchels (3% chance). |
Restore Stamina | Fortify Stamina | Slow | Damage Stamina Regen |
Lavender | Resist Magic | Fortify Stamina | Ravage Magicka | Fortify Conjuration |
Luna Moth Wing | Damage Magicka | Fortify Light Armor | Regenerate Health | Invisibility |
Moon Sugar | Weakness to Fire | Resist Frost | Restore Magicka | Regenerate Magicka |
Mora Tapinella | Restore Magicka | Lingering Damage Health | Regenerate Stamina | Fortify Illusion |
Mudcrab Chitin | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Resist Fire |
Namira's Rot | Damage Magicka | Fortify Lockpicking | Fear | Regenerate Health |
Netch JellyDB | Paralysis | Fortify Carry Weight | Restore Stamina | Fear |
Nightshade | Damage Health | Damage Magicka Regen | Lingering Damage Stamina | Fortify Destruction |
Nirnroot | Damage Health | Damage Stamina | Invisibility | Resist Magic |
Nordic Barnacle | Damage Magicka | Waterbreathing | Regenerate Health | Fortify Pickpocket |
Orange Dartwing | Restore Stamina | Ravage Magicka | Fortify Pickpocket | Lingering Damage Health |
Pearl | Restore Stamina | Fortify Block | Restore Magicka | Resist Shock |
Pine Thrush Egg | Restore Stamina | Fortify Lockpicking | Weakness to Poison | Resist Shock |
Poison BloomDG | Damage Health | Slow | Fortify Carry Weight | Fear |
Powdered Mammoth Tusk | Restore Stamina | Fortify Sneak | Weakness to Fire | Fear |
Purple Mountain Flower | Restore Stamina | Fortify Sneak | Lingering Damage Magicka | Resist Frost |
Red Mountain Flower | Restore Magicka | Ravage Magicka | Fortify Magicka | Damage Health |
![]() River BettyForm ID: 00106e1a Weight: 0.25 | Value: 15 This is a common ingredient (all apothecary merchants have a 36% chance of carrying 1-5 samples). River Betty is a fish that can be caught in ponds, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. It may be randomly found in fish barrels and apothecary's satchels. Locations with the greatest numbers are: Apprentice Stone and Abandoned Shack (Hjaalmarch), Wreck of the Winter War (Winterhold). |
Damage Health | Fortify Alteration | Slow | Fortify Carry Weight |
Rock Warbler Egg | Restore Health | Fortify One-handed | Damage Stamina | Weakness to Magic |
Sabre Cat Tooth | Restore Stamina | Fortify Heavy Armor | Fortify Smithing | Weakness to Poison |
Salmon RoeHF | Restore Stamina | Waterbreathing | Fortify Magicka | Regenerate Magicka |
Salt Pile | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Restoration | Slow | Regenerate Magicka |
Scaly Pholiota | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Stamina | Fortify Carry Weight |
ScathecrawDB | Ravage Health | Ravage Stamina | Ravage Magicka | Lingering Damage Health |
Silverside Perch | Restore Stamina | Damage Stamina Regen | Ravage Health | Resist Frost |
Skeever Tail | Damage Stamina Regen | Ravage Health | Damage Health | Fortify Light Armor |
Slaughterfish Egg | Resist Poison | Fortify Pickpocket | Lingering Damage Health | Fortify Stamina |
Slaughterfish Scales | Resist Frost | Lingering Damage Health | Fortify Heavy Armor | Fortify Block |
Small Antlers | Weakness to Poison | Fortify Restoration | Lingering Damage Stamina | Damage Health |
Small Pearl | Restore Stamina | Fortify One-handed | Fortify Restoration | Resist Frost |
Snowberries | Resist Fire | Fortify Enchanting | Resist Frost | Resist Shock |
Spawn AshDB | Ravage Stamina | Resist Fire | Fortify Enchanting | Ravage Magicka |
Spider Egg | Damage Stamina | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Lockpicking | Fortify Marksman |
Spriggan Sap | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Enchanting | Fortify Smithing | Fortify Alteration |
![]() Swamp Fungal PodForm ID: 0007e8b7 Weight: 0.25 | Value: 5 This is an uncommon ingredient (all apothecary merchants have a 15% chance of carrying 1-5 samples). Swamp Fungal Pod is a fungus that grows in the tundra marshes of Hjaalmarch. It may be randomly found in apothecary's satchels. Locations with the greatest numbers are: around Movarth's Lair, Morthal, and Apprentice Stone (Hjaalmarch). |
Resist Shock | Lingering Damage Magicka | Paralysis | Restore Health |
Taproot | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Magicka | Restore Magicka |
Thistle Branch | Resist Frost | Ravage Stamina | Resist Poison | Fortify Heavy Armor |
Torchbug Thorax | Restore Stamina | Lingering Damage Magicka | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Stamina |
Trama RootDB | Weakness to Shock | Fortify Carry Weight | Damage Magicka | Slow |
Troll Fat | Resist Poison | Fortify Two-handed | Frenzy | Damage Health |
Tundra Cotton | Resist Magic | Fortify Magicka | Fortify Block | Fortify Barter |
Vampire Dust | Invisibility | Restore Magicka | Regenerate Health | Cure Disease |
Void Salts | Weakness to Shock | Resist Magic | Damage Health | Fortify Magicka |
Wheat | Restore Health | Fortify Health | Damage Stamina Regen | Lingering Damage Magicka |
![]() White CapForm ID: 0004da22 Weight: 0.3 | Value: 0 This is an uncommon ingredient (all apothecary merchants have a 15% chance of carrying 1-5 samples). White Cap is a mushroom found in various caves. It may be randomly found in apothecary's satchels. Locations with the greatest numbers are: Chillwind Depths (Hjaalmarch), Frostflow Abyss (Winterhold), Tolvald's Cave (The Rift). |
Weakness to Frost | Fortify Heavy Armor | Restore Magicka | Ravage Magicka |
Wisp Wrappings | Restore Stamina | Fortify Destruction | Fortify Carry Weight | Resist Magic |
Yellow Mountain FlowerDG | Resist Poison | Fortify Restoration | Fortify Health | Damage Stamina Regen |
DG Ingredient added by the official add-on Dawnguard.
HF Ingredient added by the official add-on Hearthfire.
DB Ingredient added by the Dragonborn expansion.