Fallout 4 Map
The Commonwealth is what is left of the pre-War American state of Massachusetts in New England.
Key Features:
• View the locations of all marked places on the map.
• Choose any location in the scrolling list - its icon on the map will be highlighted by a red border so you can easily see it among others, and also read the description of the location.
• Any location can be selected directly on the map (its icon will be highlighted by a red border) and in the information box above the map will be open a description.
Fallout 4 Locations
- Abernathy Farm
- Andrew Station
- ArcJet Systems
- Atlantic Offices
- Atom Cats Garage
- Back Street Apparel
- BADTFL Regional Office
- Beantown Brewery
- Bedford Station
- Big John's Salvage
- Boston Airport
- Boston Bugle Building
- Boston Common
- Boston Mayoral Shelter
- Boston Police Rationing Site
- Boston Public Library
- Boylston Club
- Breakheart Banks
- Bunker Hill
- C.I.T. Ruins
- Cabot House
- Cambridge Campus Diner
- Cambridge Crater
- Cambridge Police Station
- Cambridge Polymer Labs
- Campus Law Offices
- Capsized Factory
- Cave (Red Rocket Station)
- Cave (Super-Duper Mart)
- Charles View Amphitheater
- Chestnut Hillock Reservoir
- Coast Guard Pier
- Coastal Cottage
- College Square
- Collegiate Administration Building
- Combat Zone
- Concord
- Corvega Assembly Plant
- County Crossing
- Covenant
- Crater House
- Crater of Atom
- Croup Manor
- Custom House Tower
- Cutler Bend
- Dark Hollow Pond
- Dartmouth Professional Building
- Decayed Reactor Site
- Decrepit Factory
- Diamond City
- Diamond City Market
- Don Bosco Technical High School
- Drumlin Diner
- Dunwich Borers
- East Boston Police Station
- East Boston Preparatory School
- Easy City Downs
- Edge of the Glowing Sea
- Egret Tours Marina
- Electrical Hobbyist's Club
- Fairline Hill Estates
- Fallen Skybridge
- Fallon's Department Store
- Faneuil Hall
- Federal Ration Stockpile
- Federal Supply Cache 84NE
- Federal Surveillance Center K-21B
- Fens Street Sewer
- Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates
- Finch Farm
- Forest Grove Marsh
- Forgotten Church
- Fort Hagen
- Fort Hagen Filling Station
- Fort Hagen Satellite Array
- Fort Strong
- Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant
- Fraternal Post 115
- Garden Terrace
- General Atomics Factory
- General Atomics Galleria
- Gibson Point Pier
- Goodneighbor
- Gorski Cabin
- Graygarden
- Greater Mass Blood Clinic
- Greenetech Genetics
- Greentop Nursery
- Gunners Plaza
- Gwinnett Brewery
- Gwinnett Restaurant
- HalluciGen, Inc.
- Hangman's Alley
- Harbormaster Hotel
- Hardware Town
- Haymarket Mall
- Hesters Consumer Robotics
- Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church
- Hub City Auto Wreckers
- Hubris Comics
- Hugo's Hole
- Hyde Park
- Irish Pride Industries Shipyard
- Jalbert Brothers Disposal
- Jamaica Plain
- Kendall Hospital
- Kingsport Lighthouse
- Lake Cochituate
- Lake Quannapowitt
- Layton Towers
- Lexington
- Lexington Apartments
- Libertalia
- Listening Post Bravo
- Lonely Chapel
- Longneck Lukowski's Cannery
- Lynn Pier Parking
- Lynn Woods
- Mahkra Fishpacking
- Malden Center
- Malden Middle School
- Mass Bay Medical Center
- Mass Fusion Building
- Mass Fusion Containment Shed
- Mass Fusion Disposal Site
- Mass Gravel & Sand
- Mass Pike Interchange
- Mass Pike Tunnel East
- Mass Pike Tunnel West
- Massachusetts State House
- Med-Tek Research
- Medford Memorial Hospital
- Medical Center Metro
- Milton General Hospital
- Monsignor Plaza
- Murkwater Construction Site
- Museum of Freedom
- Museum of Witchcraft
- Mystic Pines
- Nahant Chapel
- Nahant Oceanological Society
- Nahant Sheriff's Department
- Nahant Wharf
- Natick Banks
- Natick Police Department
- National Guard Training Yard
- Neponset Park
- Nordhagen Beach
- O'Neill Family Manufacturing
- Oberland Station
- Old Corner Bookstore
- Old Granary Burying Ground
- Old Gullet Sinkhole
- Old North Church
- Outpost Zimonja
- Park Street Station
- Parkview Apartments
- Parsons Creamery
- Parsons State Insane Asylum
- Peabody House
- Pickman Gallery
- Police Precinct 8
- Poseiden Energy Turbine 18-F
- Poseidon Energy
- Poseidon Reservoir
- Postal Square
- Quincy Police Station
- Quincy Quarries
- Quincy Ruins
- Radio Tower 3SM-U81
- Ranger Cabin
- Recon Bunker Theta
- Red Rocket Truck Stop
- Reeb Marina
- Relay Tower 0BB-915
- Relay Tower 0DB-521
- Relay Tower 0MC-810
- Relay Tower 0SC-527
- Relay Tower 1DL-109
- Revere Beach Station
- Revere Satellite Array
- Roadside Pines Motel
- Robotics Disposal Ground
- Robotics Pioneer Park
- Rocky Cave
- Rocky Narrows Park
- Rook Family House
- Rotten Landfill
- Salem
- Sanctuary Hills
- Sandy Coves Convalescent Home
- Saugus Ironworks
- Scrap Palace
- Sentinel Site
- Shaw High School
- Skylanes Flight 1665
- Skylanes Flight 1981
- Slocum's Joe Corporate HQ
- Somerville Place
- South Boston High School
- South Boston Military Checkpoint
- South Boston Police Department
- Spectacle Island
- Starlight Drive In
- Suffolk County Charter School
- Sunshine Tidings Co-op
- Super-Duper Mart
- Swan's Pond
- Taffington Boathouse
- Tenpines Bluff
- The Castle
- The Shamrock Taphouse
- The Slog
- Thicket Excavations
- Trinity Plaza
- Trinity Tower
- Tucker Memorial Bridge
- University Point
- USAF Satellite Station Olivia
- USS Constitution
- Vault 81
- Vault 95
- Vault 111
- Vault-Tec Regional HQ
- Vertibird Wreckage
- Walden Pond
- Warwick Homestead
- Wattz Consumer Electronics
- West Everett Estates
- West Roxbury Station
- Westing Estate
- Weston Water Treatment Plant
- Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup
- Wildwood Cemetery
- Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ
- Wilson Atomatoys Factory
- Wreck of the FMS Northern Star
- Wreck of the USS Riptide
- WRVR Broadcast Station
To reduce the number of locations in the above list please type the start of your Location name in the box below.
Select a location for viewing in the list on the left
Abernathy Farm
Description is not ready yet
Andrew Station
ArcJet Systems
Atlantic Offices
Atom Cats Garage
Back Street Apparel
BADTFL Regional Office
Beantown Brewery
Bedford Station
Big John's Salvage
Boston Airport
Boston Bugle Building
Boston Common
Boston Mayoral Shelter
Boston Police Rationing Site
Boston Public Library
Boylston Club
Breakheart Banks
Bunker Hill
C.I.T. Ruins
Cabot House
Cambridge Campus Diner
Cambridge Crater
Cambridge Police Station
Cambridge Polymer Labs
Campus Law Offices
Capsized Factory
Cave (Red Rocket Station)
Cave (Super-Duper Mart)
Charles View Amphitheater
Chestnut Hillock Reservoir
Coast Guard Pier
Coastal Cottage
College Square
Collegiate Administration Building
Combat Zone
Corvega Assembly Plant
County Crossing
Crater House
Crater of Atom
Croup Manor
Custom House Tower
Cutler Bend
Dark Hollow Pond
Dartmouth Professional Building
Decayed Reactor Site
Decrepit Factory
Diamond City
Diamond City Market
Don Bosco Technical High School
Drumlin Diner
Dunwich Borers
East Boston Police Station
East Boston Preparatory School
Easy City Downs
Edge of the Glowing Sea
Egret Tours Marina
Electrical Hobbyist's Club
Fairline Hill Estates
Fallen Skybridge
Fallon's Department Store
Faneuil Hall
Federal Ration Stockpile
Federal Supply Cache 84NE
Federal Surveillance Center K-21B
Abandoned Shack (initially).
Fens Street Sewer
Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates
Finch Farm
Forest Grove Marsh
Forgotten Church
Fort Hagen
Fort Hagen Filling Station
Fort Hagen Satellite Array
Fort Strong
Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant
Fraternal Post 115
Garden Terrace
General Atomics Factory
General Atomics Galleria
Gibson Point Pier
Gorski Cabin
Greater Mass Blood Clinic
Greenetech Genetics
Greentop Nursery
Gunners Plaza
Gwinnett Brewery
Gwinnett Restaurant
HalluciGen, Inc.
Hangman's Alley
Harbormaster Hotel
Hardware Town
Haymarket Mall
Hesters Consumer Robotics
Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church
Hub City Auto Wreckers
Hubris Comics
Hugo's Hole
Hyde Park
Irish Pride Industries Shipyard
Jalbert Brothers Disposal
Jamaica Plain
Kendall Hospital
Kingsport Lighthouse
Lake Cochituate
Lake Quannapowitt
Layton Towers
Lexington Apartments
Listening Post Bravo
Lonely Chapel
Longneck Lukowski's Cannery
Lynn Pier Parking
Lynn Woods
Mahkra Fishpacking
Malden Center
Malden Middle School
Mass Bay Medical Center
Mass Fusion Building
Mass Fusion Containment Shed
Mass Fusion Disposal Site
Mass Gravel & Sand
Mass Pike Interchange
Mass Pike Tunnel East
Mass Pike Tunnel West
Massachusetts State House
Med-Tek Research
Medford Memorial Hospital
Medical Center Metro
Milton General Hospital
Monsignor Plaza
Murkwater Construction Site
Museum of Freedom
Museum of Witchcraft
Mystic Pines
Nahant Chapel
Nahant Oceanological Society
Nahant Sheriff's Department
Nahant Wharf
Natick Banks
Natick Police Department
National Guard Training Yard
Neponset Park
Nordhagen Beach
O'Neill Family Manufacturing
Oberland Station
Old Corner Bookstore
Old Granary Burying Ground
Old Gullet Sinkhole
Old North Church
Outpost Zimonja
Park Street Station
Parkview Apartments
Parsons Creamery
Parsons State Insane Asylum
Peabody House
Pickman Gallery
Police Precinct 8
Poseiden Energy Turbine 18-F
Poseidon Energy
Poseidon Reservoir
Postal Square
Quincy Police Station
Quincy Quarries
Quincy Ruins
Radio Tower 3SM-U81
Ranger Cabin
Recon Bunker Theta
Red Rocket Truck Stop
Reeb Marina
Relay Tower 0BB-915
Relay Tower 0DB-521
Relay Tower 0MC-810
Relay Tower 0SC-527
Relay Tower 1DL-109
Revere Beach Station
Revere Satellite Array
Roadside Pines Motel
Robotics Disposal Ground
Robotics Pioneer Park
Rocky Cave
Rocky Narrows Park
Rook Family House
Rotten Landfill
Sanctuary Hills
Sandy Coves Convalescent Home
Saugus Ironworks
Scrap Palace
Sentinel Site
Shaw High School
Skylanes Flight 1665
Skylanes Flight 1981
Slocum's Joe Corporate HQ
Somerville Place
South Boston High School
South Boston Military Checkpoint
South Boston Police Department
Spectacle Island
Starlight Drive In
Suffolk County Charter School
Sunshine Tidings Co-op
Super-Duper Mart
Swan's Pond
Taffington Boathouse
Tenpines Bluff
The Castle
The Shamrock Taphouse
The Slog
Thicket Excavations
Trinity Plaza
Trinity Tower
Tucker Memorial Bridge
University Point
USAF Satellite Station Olivia
USS Constitution
Vault 81
Vault 95
Vault 111
Vault-Tec Regional HQ
Vertibird Wreckage
Walden Pond
Warwick Homestead
Wattz Consumer Electronics
West Everett Estates
West Roxbury Station
Westing Estate
Weston Water Treatment Plant
Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup
Wildwood Cemetery
Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ
Wilson Atomatoys Factory
Wreck of the FMS Northern Star
Wreck of the USS Riptide
WRVR Broadcast Station

Abernathy Farm
Andrew Station
ArcJet Systems
Atlantic Offices
Atom Cats Garage
Back Street Apparel
BADTFL Regional Office
Beantown Brewery
Bedford Station
Big John's Salvage
Boston Airport
Boston Bugle Building
Boston Common
Boston Mayoral Shelter
Boston Police Rationing Site
Boston Public Library
Boylston Club
Breakheart Banks
Bunker Hill
C.I.T. Ruins
Cabot House
Cambridge Campus Diner
Cambridge Crater
Cambridge Police Station
Cambridge Polymer Labs
Campus Law Offices
Capsized Factory
Cave (Red Rocket Station)
Cave (Super-Duper Mart)
Charles View Amphitheater
Chestnut Hillock Reservoir
Coast Guard Pier
Coastal Cottage
College Square
Collegiate Administration Building
Combat Zone
Corvega Assembly Plant
County Crossing
Crater House
Crater of Atom
Croup Manor
Custom House Tower
Cutler Bend
Dark Hollow Pond
Dartmouth Professional Building
Decayed Reactor Site
Decrepit Factory
Diamond City
Diamond City Market
Don Bosco Technical High School
Drumlin Diner
Dunwich Borers
East Boston Police Station
East Boston Preparatory School
Easy City Downs
Edge of the Glowing Sea
Egret Tours Marina
Electrical Hobbyist's Club
Fairline Hill Estates
Fallen Skybridge
Fallon's Department Store
Faneuil Hall
Federal Ration Stockpile
Federal Supply Cache 84NE
Federal Surveillance Center K-21B
Fens Street Sewer
Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates
Finch Farm
Forest Grove Marsh
Forgotten Church
Fort Hagen
Fort Hagen Filling Station
Fort Hagen Satellite Array
Fort Strong
Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant
Fraternal Post 115
Garden Terrace
General Atomics Factory
General Atomics Galleria
Gibson Point Pier
Gorski Cabin
Greater Mass Blood Clinic
Greenetech Genetics
Greentop Nursery
Gunners Plaza
Gwinnett Brewery
Gwinnett Restaurant
HalluciGen, Inc.
Hangman's Alley
Harbormaster Hotel
Hardware Town
Haymarket Mall
Hesters Consumer Robotics
Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church
Hub City Auto Wreckers
Hubris Comics
Hugo's Hole
Hyde Park
Irish Pride Industries Shipyard
Jalbert Brothers Disposal
Jamaica Plain
Kendall Hospital
Kingsport Lighthouse
Lake Cochituate
Lake Quannapowitt
Layton Towers
Lexington Apartments
Listening Post Bravo
Lonely Chapel
Longneck Lukowski's Cannery
Lynn Pier Parking
Lynn Woods
Mahkra Fishpacking
Malden Center
Malden Middle School
Mass Bay Medical Center
Mass Fusion Building
Mass Fusion Containment Shed
Mass Fusion Disposal Site
Mass Gravel & Sand
Mass Pike Interchange
Mass Pike Tunnel East
Mass Pike Tunnel West
Massachusetts State House
Med-Tek Research
Medford Memorial Hospital
Medical Center Metro
Milton General Hospital
Monsignor Plaza
Murkwater Construction Site
Museum of Freedom
Museum of Witchcraft
Mystic Pines
Nahant Chapel
Nahant Oceanological Society
Nahant Sheriff's Department
Nahant Wharf
Natick Banks
Natick Police Department
National Guard Training Yard
Neponset Park
Nordhagen Beach
O'Neill Family Manufacturing
Oberland Station
Old Corner Bookstore
Old Granary Burying Ground
Old Gullet Sinkhole
Old North Church
Outpost Zimonja
Park Street Station
Parkview Apartments
Parsons Creamery
Parsons State Insane Asylum
Peabody House
Pickman Gallery
Police Precinct 8
Poseiden Energy Turbine 18-F
Poseidon Energy
Poseidon Reservoir
Postal Square
Quincy Police Station
Quincy Quarries
Quincy Ruins
Radio Tower 3SM-U81
Ranger Cabin
Recon Bunker Theta
Red Rocket Truck Stop
Reeb Marina
Relay Tower 0BB-915
Relay Tower 0DB-521
Relay Tower 0MC-810
Relay Tower 0SC-527
Relay Tower 1DL-109
Revere Beach Station
Revere Satellite Array
Roadside Pines Motel
Robotics Disposal Ground
Robotics Pioneer Park
Rocky Cave
Rocky Narrows Park
Rook Family House
Rotten Landfill
Sanctuary Hills
Sandy Coves Convalescent Home
Saugus Ironworks
Scrap Palace
Sentinel Site
Shaw High School
Skylanes Flight 1665
Skylanes Flight 1981
Slocum's Joe Corporate HQ
Somerville Place
South Boston High School
South Boston Military Checkpoint
South Boston Police Department
Spectacle Island
Starlight Drive In
Suffolk County Charter School
Sunshine Tidings Co-op
Super-Duper Mart
Swan's Pond
Taffington Boathouse
Tenpines Bluff
The Castle
The Shamrock Taphouse
The Slog
Thicket Excavations
Trinity Plaza
Trinity Tower
Tucker Memorial Bridge
University Point
USAF Satellite Station Olivia
USS Constitution
Vault 81
Vault 95
Vault 111
Vault-Tec Regional HQ
Vertibird Wreckage
Walden Pond
Warwick Homestead
Wattz Consumer Electronics
West Everett Estates
West Roxbury Station
Westing Estate
Weston Water Treatment Plant
Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup
Wildwood Cemetery
Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ
Wilson Atomatoys Factory
Wreck of the FMS Northern Star
Wreck of the USS Riptide
WRVR Broadcast Station