Fallout 3, Interactive map of Point Lookout
This is a swampland area that was once Maryland's Point Lookout State Park before the Great War. It takes one month in-game time to travel from the Capital Wasteland to Point Lookout.
Key Features:
• View the locations of all marked places on the map.
• Choose any location in the scrolling list - its icon on the map will be highlighted by a red border so you can easily see it among others, and also read the description of the location.
• Any location can be selected directly on the map (its icon will be highlighted by a red border) and in the information box above the map will be open a description.
Point Lookout Locations
- Ark & Dove Resting Grounds
- Beachview Campsite
- Blackhall Manor
- Calvert Mansion
- Chinese Intelligence Bunker
- Coastal Grotto
- Disaster Relief Outpost
- Dove Delta
- Flooded Sinkhole
- Grower's Shack
- Haley's Hardware
- Herzog Mine
- House of Wares
- Jet Crash Site
- Kenny's Cave
- Lil' Tyke Playhouse
- Marguerite's Shack
- Ofie Clan Plot
- Pilgrim's Landing
- Point Lookout Lighthouse
- Point Lookout Pier
- Ritual Site
- Ruzka's Lair
- Sacred Bog Entrance
- Smuggler's Shack
- Sub Recovery Site (SSN-37-1A)
- The Ark & Dove Cathedral
- The Homestead Motel
- Trapper's Shack
- Trash Heap
- Truck Wreckage
- Turtledove Detention Camp
- USS Ozymandias
- Wrecked Seatub (Sea Cave)
To reduce the number of locations in the above list please type the start of your Location name in the box below.
Select a location for viewing in the list on the left
Ark & Dove Resting Grounds
Ark & Dove Resting Grounds is a small graveyard inhabited by a pack of feral ghouls. It is enclosed by a large bent metal fence. Inside the graveyard there are several broken gravestones.
Enemies: Feral ghouls, Swamp ghouls, Feral ghoul roamers, Glowing one, Feral ghoul reavers, Smugglers.
Beachview Campsite
Beachview Campsite is an abandoned camp. Several swampfolk can be spotted nearby or around the campsite itself, sometimes they even dancing.
Enemies: Swampfolk.
Blackhall Manor
Blackhall Manor was a property of the Blackhall's family long before the Great War. According to Obadiah Blackhall, "Hundreds of years, and still standing strong. You're within a fine example of Victorian architecture, my friend."
The mansion opens up into a main room with a kitchen on the left and a library on the right. In the library is a staircase that ascends to the second floor. After entering the library, on the left is a hallway that leads to a basement where Obadiah performs ritual acts. The door to the basement does not appear unless you give the Krivbeknih to Obadiah, and remains invisible on the map.
Inhabitant: Obadiah Blackhall.
Related quest: The Dark Heart of Blackhall (Find Obadiah Blackhall's book, the Krivbeknih, which was stolen from him by some swampfolk).
Calvert Mansion
The Calvert Mansion is a large Victorian mansion. The mansion bears the name Calvert from its former inhabitants, the powerful Calvert family. The Calverts were a major force in pre-war Maryland, spawning a political dynasty which saw family members elected to various offices at both the state and national levels.
Under Calvert Mansion is the Panic Room that was designed to be a shelter in the case of an attack. It can only be accessed after the quest Thought Control.
Inhabitants: a ghoul named Desmond Lockheart and his two dogs, Freki and Geri.
Related quests:
- The Local Flavor (Help the mansion's owner repel the invaders).
- Hearing Voices (Learn more about the Brain).
- Thought Control (Install the Cogwave Jammer on the Ferris Wheel or destroy it, then return to the mansion).
Notable loot: Nuka-Cola Quantum in the Panic Room.
Chinese Intelligence Bunker
The Chinese Intelligence bunker is a secret pre-War Chinese bunker under the ornate hothouse next to Calvert Mansion. It requires a special code and the cryptochromatic spectacles to get in through the secret door.
Related quest: The Velvet Curtain (Enter the Chinese bunker).
Tools: Workbench.
Notable loot: Backwater rifle (a unique lever-action rifle), seven Chinese assault rifles, Mini nuke, Stealth Boy, Bottlecap mine.
Coastal Grotto
Coastal Grotto is a small cave where a ghoul named Plik lives and holds a "safari" of sorts with ghouls as the hunt.
Inhabitants: Plik, Rip Smithy, Jacob Humboldt.
Enemies: Feral ghouls, Swamplurks (outside).
Related quest: Plik's Safari (Survive the safari).
Notable loot: The Dismemberer (a unique axe), Mini nuke.
Disaster Relief Outpost
The Disaster Relief Outpost was apparently set up during the New Plague before the Great War by local disaster relief workers. It consist of four tents.
Inhabitant: Marcella.
Related quest: The Dark Heart of Blackhall (Take the Krivbeknih to the Disaster Relief Outpost to return it to Marcella).
Notable loot: Stealth Boy, Pre-War book, Marcella's last words (a holodisk found in Marcella's tent during the course of The Dark Heart of Blackhall).
Dove Delta
The Dove Delta is a series of small sand islands in the southwest of the Point Lookout.
Enemies: Swampfolk.
Notable loot: For Ozwaldo (a holotape).
Flooded Sinkhole
The Flooded Sinkhole is a lake that separates the Trapper's Shack from the Grower's Shack. When you swim down to the bottom, lots of miscellaneous items float to the top.
Notable loot: 2 Nuka-Cola Quantums, Stealth Boy in one of the three safes at the bottom of the lake.
Grower's Shack
Grower's Shack contains a small Swampfolk farming operation that does business with Tobar the Ferryman.
Enemies: Swampfolk.
Plants: Wild punga fruits.
Notable loot: Mini nuke, Box 1213 - Bern's voice (a holodisk which grants you access to a safe deposit box in the People's Bank of Point Lookout).
Haley's Hardware
Haley's Hardware is a small wooden shack with a pile of rubble next to it. Haley, the merchant who currently lives and works here, woke up with a case of amnesia not knowing who or where he was, but since people kept coming to buy things he decided to become a merchant, taking the shop's name and calling himself "Haley".
Inhabitant: Haley (merchant).
Tools: Workbench.
Herzog Mine
The Herzog Mine is a set of tunnels winding into the cliffside. It was named after an old man named Herzog, the owner of the mining site who put the miners through poor working conditions. Various branches of the mine have collapsed, due to explosives set off before the Great War.
Other exit: Kenny's Cave.
House of Wares
House of Wares is a small shop owned by Madame Panada. It is an open booth in the middle of the boardwalk. The shop offers a variety of badly repaired items, as Panada herself is only trading to make a living. Her real calling (so she believes) is divination.
Inhabitants: Madama Panada (merchant), Protectron.
Jet Crash Site
The Jet Crash Site is the site of a fighter jet's wreckage. On October 23, 2077, the day that the bombs fell, a U.S. Navy jet aircraft crashed in Point Lookout, ejecting its pilot who got stuck in a tree some distance from the crash site.
Enemies: Feral ghouls.
Kenny's Cave
Kenny's Cave is home to a lonely child looking for a friend to play with. Kenny may be grudgingly encouraged to allow the Lone Wanderer to share his hideout. To be welcomed in, Kenny requires a Speech check, using Child at Heart, or the retrieval of Kenny's bear that can be found in the nearby swamplurk infested "Blackdamp Shaft".
Other exit: Herzog Mine (To reach Kenny's Cave the first time, one might go through Herzog Mine as it leads to Miner's Rest, where Kenny resides).
Inhabitant: Kenny.
Enemies: Swamplurks.
Notable loot: Pint-Sized Slasher mask.
Lil' Tyke Playhouse
The Lil' Tyke Playhouse is a little run down shack with boards keeping it together, with a rocket and a slide next to it.
Enemies: Swampfolk.
Notable loot: Red Racer jumpsuit.
Marguerite's Shack
Marguerite's Shack is home to Marguerite, a friendly local who lived there like the rest of her family, making moonshine. The shack is a rectangular building with some swampfolk along the perimeter. The yard is decorated with straw dolls and bone totems.
Inhabitant: Marguerite.
Enemies: Swampfolk, Smugglers.
Related quest: A Spoonful of Whiskey (Marguerite will make her famous moonshine if you bring her the ingredients).
Ofie Clan Plot
Ofie Clan Plot is a plot of land that was used for burials by the Ofie family. It is a small graveyard on top of a hill with a short wooden fence around.
Enemies: Feral ghouls.
Plants: Wild punga fruits.
Pilgrim's Landing
Pilgrim's Landing is a small tourist attraction in Point Lookout. An inactive Ferris wheel called "The Wheel of Wonder" resides here.
Buildings: The Homestead Motel, Naval Recruitment Center, People's Bank of Point Lookout, Warehouse.
Related quest: Thought Control (Install the Cogwave Jammer on the Ferris Wheel or destroy it).
Naval Recruitment Center. As a recruitment center, it was set up to recruit the citizens and tourists of Point Lookout into the U.S. Navy. It also served as a remote Defense Intelligence Agency base in Point Lookout, and most likely this have been its primary mission.
Related quest: The Velvet Curtain (Access the file "Field Report - Yang Capture/Transfer" at the Naval recruiting center).
Notable loot: Mini nuke (in the second room).
People's Bank of Point Lookout. Before the Great War, the bank was a subsidiary of Isla Negra Holdings, and recently had a new voice operated safe unlock system put in place. This did nothing, however, to prevent the bank from being robbed.
Related quest: The Velvet Curtain (Activate the bank's security system with the password and listen to the espionage debriefing).
Notable loot: 3 safe deposit boxes, Police hat.
Warehouse. It is a deserted building full of baby carriages, four of which are rigged.
Notable loot: Mini nuke, 14 missiles.
Point Lookout Lighthouse
The Point Lookout Lighthouse is an abandoned cylindrical structure containing the main lighthouse facility and a secret basement. The interior of the lighthouse has a long spiral staircase leading up to a top platform area.
Section: Underground Lab.
Enemies: Smugglers.
Unmarked quest: Fix the signal on top of Point Lookout Lighthouse.
Underground Lab
The St. Aubin medical facility (or Underground Lab) is found beneath the Point Lookout Lighthouse. Before the Great War, this facility was used for research into improving the process of extracting and isolating human brains, pioneered by General Atomics for their robobrain robots. It is here takes place the final confrontation between Professor Calvert and Desmond Lockheart.
Inhabitant: Professor Calvert.
Enemies: Robobrains, Automated turrets, Protectrons.
Related quest: A Meeting of the Minds (It is time for the final choice: kill Professor Calvert or kill Desmond Lockheart).
Tools: Workbench.
Notable loot: Microwave emitter, 2 Gatling lasers, 9 AER9 laser rifles, 14 AEP7 laser pistols, 71 Mesmetron power cells, 3 pre-War books.
Point Lookout Pier
The Point Lookout Pier is consists of a dock leading to a ferry owned by Tobar, the Duchess Gambit. The ferry is the only way to the Capital Wasteland from Point Lookout.
Inhabitant: Tobar the Ferryman or Nadine (after completing A Meeting of the Minds).
Notable loot: A mini nuke beneath the closest buoy to the ferry.
Ritual Site
The Ritual Site is a subterranean complex used for worship by the swampfolk. The local swampfolk sacrifice unwary travelers and keep a vessel full of blood surrounding the Krivbeknih, a very dark and mysterious tome.
The entry to the cavern is blocked by wooden planks until the quest The Dark Heart of Blackhall has been obtained.
Enemies: Swampfolk.
Related quest: The Dark Heart of Blackhall (Locate the Ritual Site and search the burned-out basement catacombs for the Krivbeknih).
Notable loot: The Krivbeknih, Ritual knife (a unique knife), Stealth Boy, Nuka-Cola Quantum.
Ruzka's Lair
Ruzka's Lair is a rocky alcove with an overhang at the very northwestern point of the map. It is inhabited by Ruzka, a unique yao guai. A giant red rubber ball from Ruzka's circus days is against the wall in the lair.
Inhabitant: Ruzka.
Sacred Bog Entrance
The Sacred Bog is reached via the Sacred Bog Entrance on the westernmost side of the map. It is a winding path through the swamp, populated by various swamp creatures.
Enemies: Swamplurks, Mirelurk hunters, Swamplurk queens.
Related quest: Walking with Spirits (Collect seeds from the Mother Punga plant).
Plants: Wild punga fruits.
Note: The Sacred Bog has its own World Map.

Smuggler's Shack
The Smuggler's Shack is an open, rusty, red metal structure, with a bed pressed up against the north wall. A rock forms a windbreak on the west side, with the south and east sides open. The shack is inhabited by one respawning smuggler of random appearance, armed with a sniper rifle.
Enemies: Smugglers.
Sub Recovery Site (SSN-37-1A)
Covert Submarine SSN-37-1A (Sub Recovery Site) is a Chinese spy submarine sent to patrol hostile waters surrounding Point Lookout. It sank before the nuclear phase of the Great War. The submarine, for its external size, is extremely compact inside. There are only two bunks in SSN-37-1A, suggesting a small crew. There was one surviving Chinese submariner extracted from SSN-37-1A: John Doe. He was transferred to Turtledove Detention Camp after his capture.
Related quest: The Velvet Curtain (Locate the SSN-37-1A and access the submarine's operations terminal to activate the self-destruct protocol).
Notable loot: Stealth Boy (on the Operations terminal).
The Ark & Dove Cathedral
The Ark & Dove cathedral is a small settlement inhabited by Point Lookout tribals. The cathedral is named after the first two settler ships to make landfall on Point Lookout in colonial times.
It is an old church with a brick wall surrounding it with a gate at the entrance. Outside, there are many refined punga fruit and wild punga fruit. Inside, there are special breeding pots to grow refined punga fruit.
Inhabitants: Woodrose (Tribe matriarch), Jackson (Cult leader), Jimson (Doorman), Nadine (until you ask "Who cut open my head?"), Croatoa, and other tribals tending punga plants or walking around.
Related quests:
- Walking with Spirits (Infiltrate the Ark & Dove cathedral to discover the reasoning behind tribal's attacks on the Calvert Mansion).
- Hearing Voices (Speak with Nadine in the Ark & Dove cathedral and get the key to unlock Jackson's sacred praying grounds).
- Tailing the Tomboy (Catherine asks you to look for her daughter Nadine).
Notable loot: Fertilizer shovel (can be obtained from Croatoa).
The Homestead Motel
The Homestead Motel is inhabited by vicious dogs and consists of 3 motel rooms and an office.
Homestead Motel Office. The keys to the other rooms can be found here.
Room 1D. This room is the safehouse of Dr. Jiang and contains Dr. Jiang's safehouse terminal with a message. Upon reading it, the The Velvet Curtain quest will begin. On the bed is a skeleton, which is assumed to be Dr. Jiang.
Room 1G. It seems that the dead bodies in the room are the remains of two bank robbers that robbed the People's Bank of Point Lookout. Their skeleton's opposing positions, the sawed-off shotguns in their hands, and the presence of a large amount of pre-War money suggests that the two robbers got into a dispute over the money and killed each other.
Room 1K. A place of ritual sacrifice. The mask in the bathroom's bathtub implies this was a site rented by the Pint-Sized Slasher.
Enemies: Vicious dogs.
Related quest: The Velvet Curtain (Investigate the dead spy and terminal in Homestead Motel room 1D).
Notable loot: Stealth Boy, the locker key belonging to Dr. Jiang, Cryptochromatic spectacles in the toilet tank in the bathroom (Room 1D); 24 total pre-War money (Room 1G); Pint-Sized Slasher mask (Room 1K).
Trapper's Shack
The Trapper's Shack is a shack with an unusual basement. There are two connected cages in the shack's basement, with a swamplurk in one and a swamp ghoul in the other. They are hostile towards one another. An electric switch allows you to open a door between the cages to unleash the swamplurk on the ghoul.
Enemies: Swampfolk, Swamp ghouls, Swamplurks.
Tools: Workbench.
Notable loot: a miniature bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum, a Stealth Boy on a table in the bedroom.
Trash Heap
The Trash Heap is an outdoor area consisting of cars, barrels, wooden boards, and other discarded items piled on top of one another and overgrown with wild grass. The pile radiates up to 9 rads/second.
Enemies: Swampfolk.
Notable loot: Mini nuke in an open safe on top of heap.
Truck Wreckage
The Truck Wreckage is the location of a wrecked cargo truck that overturned on a hillside road. The truck was delivering a shipment of replacement light-bulbs to the lighthouse when it overturned. Only one bulb can be found now.
Enemies: Swamp ghouls.
Unmarked quest: Fix the signal on top of Point Lookout Lighthouse.
Notable loot: Lighthouse bulb.
Turtledove Detention Camp
Turtledove Detention Camp (or Camp Turtledove) is a military prison camp. During the Sino-American War, this camp was used to detain suspected Chinese spies or saboteurs who were allegedly working against the USA. Prisoners were kept in abysmal conditions.
Camp Turtledove also was used as a toxic dumping site, as indicated by the mound of waste barrels and detritus near the camp's western perimeter. This toxic waste has permeated the swampy ground, and has resulted in the sludge in and around the camp to be extremely toxic - much of the camp is radioactive.
Buildings: four huts (Bunkhouse A, Bunkhouse B, Interrogation Room A, Interrogation Room B), a concrete administration building and an underground morgue. Inside the morgue there is a waste tunnel that leads to the outside (Septic Tunnel Access). The camp is fenced and several guard towers are located at the corners of the fence, as well as at the entrance.
Enemies: Feral ghouls, Swamp ghouls, Smugglers, Sentry bots, Automated turrets.
Related quest: The Velvet Curtain (Search Agent Yang's corpse at the Turtledove Detention Camp morgue and take the submarine self-destruct codes).
Note: The morgue contains the corpses of Wan Yang (TD-0181), Ashley Cheng (TD-0831) and Mei Shen (TD-0204).
Notable loot: Mini nuke on the shelf in the armory (Administration); Stealth Boy in the locker (Bunkhouse A).
USS Ozymandias
The USS Ozymandias is a small ship beached on some rocks just off the coast of Point Lookout. It was a ship under the commission of Bysshe Energy Partners, a subsidiary of The Bysshe Company. Bysshe was using the Ozymandias to scout the Point Lookout area for viable signs of bio-gas, a potent energy source. The bio-gas was, in reality, formed from methane emissions from decayed corpses.
Related quest: An Antique Land (Collect three soil samples from various locations across Point Lookout to unlock a safe inside the ship):
- Soil sample #1 is inside an excavated muck hole north of the Trash Heap.
- Soil sample #2 is inside an excavated muck hole northeast of Lil' Tyke Playhouse.
- Soil sample #3 is inside an excavated muck hole northwest of the Jet Crash Site.
Notable loot: The expedition supplies (ten bio-gas canisters, three radiation suits, etc.).
Wrecked Seatub (Sea Cave)
The Sea Cave is a location accessible through the Wrecked Seatub or the well outside the Ark & Dove cathedral. Tribal leader Jackson uses the cave to communicate with a hologram of Professor Calvert.
Enemies: Swamplurks, Mirelurk hunters, Swamplurk queens.
Related quest: Hearing Voices (Learn more about the Brain).

Ark & Dove Resting Grounds
Beachview Campsite
Blackhall Manor
Calvert Mansion
Chinese Intelligence Bunker
Coastal Grotto
Disaster Relief Outpost
Dove Delta
Flooded Sinkhole
Grower's Shack
Haley's Hardware
Herzog Mine
House of Wares
Jet Crash Site
Kenny's Cave
Lil' Tyke Playhouse
Marguerite's Shack
Ofie Clan Plot
Pilgrim's Landing
Point Lookout Lighthouse
Point Lookout Pier
Ritual Site
Ruzka's Lair
Sacred Bog Entrance
Smuggler's Shack
Sub Recovery Site (SSN-37-1A)
The Ark & Dove Cathedral
The Homestead Motel
Trapper's Shack
Trash Heap
Truck Wreckage
Turtledove Detention Camp
USS Ozymandias
Wrecked Seatub (Sea Cave)