Fallout: New Vegas, Big MT interactive map
The Big Mountain Research and Development Center, alternately known as Big MT or the Big Empty, can only be accessed if you have the add-on Old World Blues.
Key Features:
• View the locations of all marked places on the map.
• Choose any location in the scrolling list - its icon on the map will be highlighted by a red border so you can easily see it among others, and also read the description of the location.
• Any location can be selected directly on the map (its icon will be highlighted by a red border) and in the information box above the map will be open a description.
Big MT Locations
- Big MT East Tunnel
- Big MT North Tunnel
- Big MT West Tunnel
- Construction Site
- Elijah's Watch
- Forbidden Zone Dome Entrance
- Hazmat Testing Ground
- Higgs Village
- Little Yangtze
- Loading Station
- Magnetohydraulics Complex
- Mysterious Cave
- Saturnite Alloy Research Facility
- Securitron De-Construction Plant
- Signal Hills Transmitter
- The Cuckoo's Nest
- The Sink Balcony
- The Think Tank
- Ulysses' Point
- Waste Disintegration Platform
- X-2 Transmitter Antenna Array
- X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch
- X-7b "Boom Town" Target Zone
- X-8 Research Center
- X-12 Research Center
- X-13 Research Facility
- X-17 Meteorological Station
- X-22 Botanical Garden
- X-66 Hexcrete Archipelago
- Y-0 Research Center
- Y-17 Medical Facility
- Z-9 Crotalus DNA Preservation Lab
- Z-14 Pepsinae DNA Splicing Lab
- Z-38 Lightwave Dynamics Research
- Z-43 Innovative Toxins Plant
To reduce the number of locations in the above list please type the start of your Location name in the box below.
Select a location for viewing in the list on the left
Big MT East Tunnel
The Big MT East Tunnel is a subway tunnel blocked by several crashed red train cars. There are several chems in a duffle bag on top of the tunnel.
Big MT North Tunnel
The Big MT North Tunnel is a subway tunnel with a door to the right of the main gate and a hole in the floor. There is an overclocked turret guarding the hole, and a force field covering it. Once breached, the hole leads into a cave with a LAER.
Enemies: Overclocked turret.
Related quest: All My Friends Have Off Switches (Find the personality module for Light Switch 02)
Notable loot: Sink Project: Light Switch 02 (holotape), LAER.
Big MT West Tunnel
The Big MT West Tunnel is a network of maintenance tunnels filled with protectrons.
Enemies: Protectrons, The Custodian (a unique protectron).
Related quest: Influencing People (Find the upgrades to The Sink's central intelligence unit).
Notable loot: Main Computer Upgrade: LAER Mod "Auxiliary Recharger Chip" (holotape), Recipes - Unarmed skill book, Saturnite fist.
Construction Site
It is an abandoned construction site with a big red crane in the center. Several trucks and bulldozers grouped up around a big concrete slab. The construction drone foreman roams around this area with the other construction drones.
Enemies: Sentry bots, Crazed Mister Handy, Construction drones, Construction drone foreman (a unique protectron).
Related quest: Influencing People (Find the upgrades to The Sink's support AIs).
Notable loot: Sink Upgrade: Water Production (holotape), Valence radii-accentuator (at the very top of the crane arm).
Elijah's Watch
The Elijah's Watch is located behind several large boulders and is protected by two Mark IV turrets. It consists of a bedroll, an electric hot plate, several broken ham radios, and two satellite dishes.
Enemies: Mark IV turrets, Damaged securitrons, Berserk securitrons.
Notable loot: Elijah's jury-rigged Tesla cannon (a unique weapon), Elijah's watch journal.
Forbidden Zone Dome Entrance
The X-42 Robo-Warfare Facility was renamed by Dr. Mobius as the Forbidden Zone after he left the Think Tank.
X-42 Robo-Warfare Facility
The workshop area is comprised of a single, vast room. In the center is a large cargo elevator, on which resides the X-42 giant robo-scorpion. Around the perimeter of the room are several staircases leading to raised walkways and observation rooms; some containing terminals with information on the giant robo-scorpion. This information can be used to damage or disable the scorpion.
Enemies: X-42 giant robo-scorpion, X-42 security turrets, Protectron target drones.
Related quest: Field Research (Find the Audio Sample - Mobius' Robo-scorpion in the Forbidden Zone Dome).
Notable loot: Audio Sample - Mobius' Robo-scorpion, LAER.
Forbidden Zone Dome
The Forbidden Zone's dome is similar to The Think Tank's, but is in significantly worse condition. The Courier's brain is located at the top of the main staircase in a storage tank.
Inhabitant: Doctor Mobius.
Related quest: Old World Blues (Confront Dr. Mobius at the Forbidden Zone Dome and retrieve your brain).
Notable loot: Dr. Mobius' glove, Dr. Mobius' scrubs, 44 Mentats, LAER.
Hazmat Testing Ground
The Hazmat Testing Ground consists of ruins from a partially destroyed building. The whole building is irradiated.
The hazmat suit can be found in a protected pod near the bottom-most accessible floor. The Courier must either find the hazmat pod security code (in the Z-43 innovative toxins plant) or shoot the field with an upgraded sonic emitter to gain access to the pod.
Notable loot: Hazmat suit, Hazmat darklight cowl.
Higgs Village

Little Yangtze

Loading Station
Loading Station is an outdoor area with a large crane, several cargo containers and two railroad cars. From here starts a long metal staircase that leads to the Waste Disintegration Platform.
Enemies: Lobotomites, Robo-scorpions.
Magnetohydraulics Complex

Mysterious Cave

Saturnite Alloy Research Facility

Securitron De-Construction Plant

Signal Hills Transmitter

The Cuckoo's Nest

The Sink Balcony

The Think Tank

Ulysses' Point
Ulysses' Point is a small cave. The entrance is marked with a lantern above a cave and the top of the rock has a small radar dish on it. The inside area consists of a single room with a campfire for crafting and a makeshift bed.
Enemies: Lobotomites.
Tools: Reloading bench.
Notable loot: Patient logs 17.5 and 17.9, which include audio between Ulysses and Christine Royce.
Waste Disintegration Platform
The Waste Disintegration Platform consists of a fairly large platform. A few catwalks and what is most likely the control center for the disintegrator surround the main platform. However, it cannot be used. A metal staircase leads down into the Loading Station.
A few feet south of here resides what seems to be the remains of a giant robo-scorpion, and on one of the remains lies an artillery shell.
Enemies: Lobotomites.
X-2 Transmitter Antenna Array
The X-2 Transmitter Antenna Array has two exits to the Big MT, one in the upper floors (accessible from the cliffs to the west) and one on the ground floor (accessible from the north). The inside of the array has multiple floors, and there is a ladder on the very top floor which allows access to the dish.
Enemies: Protectrons, Robo-scorpions.
Related quests:
- X-2: Strange Transmissions! (Climb up to the satellite dish and retrieve the X-2 antenna).
- All My Friends Have Off Switches (Find the personality module for Light Switch 01).
Notable loot: Sink Project: Light Switch 01 (holotape), X-2 antenna (a unique weapon) at the very top of the transmitter array outdoors.
X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch
The X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch is a command center with several fixed guns located in the fenced area. The fixed guns were tested shells comprised of Saturnite, one of these shells can be used in a test firing targeted at the X-7b "Boom Town" Target Zone. The resulting crater reveals a hidden cache that the Courier can loot.
Enemies: RY-589 Ultimo bot (a unique sentry bot), Y-17 trauma override harnesses, Lobotomites.
Notable loot: Recipes - Explosives skill book, LAER (can be looted from RY-589 Ultimo bot), Stealth boy, Missile launcher on a truck outside, Proton throwing axes (2).
X-7b "Boom Town" Target Zone

X-8 Research Center

X-12 Research Center

X-13 Research Facility
The X-13 Research Facility was responsible for creation of the advanced stealth suits. Dr. Calis was the chief scientist in charge of the X-13 Research Facility under the command of Dr. 0 in the Big Mountain Research and Development Center.
Enemies: Robobrains, Robo-scorpions, Automated turrets, Laser tripwires, Proximity detectors.
Related quests:
- X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator! (Recover the prototype X-13 gloves, boots and chest plate).
- Project X-13 (Complete all X-13 tests and upgrade the stealth suit Mk II).
- Influencing People (Find the upgrades to The Sink's central intelligence unit and The Sink's Auto-Doc).
Tools: Deluxe chemistry set (3), Workbench, Electric hot plate.
Notable loot: Stealth suit Mk II, Main Computer Upgrade: K9000 Mod "Resla Roil" (holodisk), Main Computer Upgrade: K9000 Mod "Mentat Chow" (holodisk), Auto-Doc upgrade: Implant Y-7 (holotape), Recipes - Lockpick skill book, Recipes - Sneak skill book, two skill books Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual (one in the room where the chest plate for the stealth suit Mk II is, second in the reward safe upon completion of all the Stealth Suit tests), La Fantoma!, three thick red pastes, two thin red pastes, Nuka-Cola Quartz, Nuka-Cola Victory, Protonic inversal axe (in the VR simulation room).
X-17 Meteorological Station
The X-17 meteorological station is a testing ground for experiments in different weather conditions. In the center of the station can be found a small scale model of Higgs Village. There is also a lab containing a terminal which can initiate a weather test, causing rain to fall on the model village.
Enemies: Y-17 trauma override harnesses, Mister Gutsies, Ironbelly (a unique Mister Gutsy).
Notable loot: Snow globe - Big MT, Mad scientist scrubs, 5 Proton throwing axes (can be looted from Ironbelly).
X-22 Botanical Garden
The X-22 Botanical Garden was focused on researching plant life and its military applications. It was here that the spore carrier, Beauveria Mordicana was created, and later transferred to Vault 22. The first subject of experiments with the plant, Patient Zero, still stalks the abandoned ruins of the facility.
Enemies: Spore plants, Spore carriers, Patient Zero (a unique spore carrier).
Related quests:
- All My Friends Have Off Switches (Find the missing modules for the Biological Research Station).
- Field Research (Find plant samples for the Biological Research Station).
Notable loot: Sink Project: Biological Research Station (holotape), a seed package with various dried seeds in the second level of the upper area.
X-66 Hexcrete Archipelago
The X-66 Hexcrete Archipelago is made up of large hexagonal prisms sticking upright from the ground, ranging in height from shorter than the Courier to several stories tall. There is also a pool of radioactive liquid which emits 1 rad per second. The pipes surrounding the area are riddled with frag mines. Two packs of night stalkers spawn to the south and east.
Enemies: Night stalkers, Y-17 trauma override harnesses.
Y-0 Research Center
Two broken military trucks with broken cages block the entrance to the Y-0 Research Center. Next to the blocked entrance is an active terminal that holds some information about the vending machines used at Sierra Madre.
Notable loot: Big Book of Science (near a skeleton south of the two trucks), Recipes - Melee Weapons skill book (on the roof of the research center).
Y-17 Medical Facility
The Y-17 Medical Facility consists of a large main room and a side room. The main room is filled with computers and desks surrounding a buried and inoperative Auto-Doc (most probably Mark IX or a prototype model). A unique Mister Orderly robot named Doctor Orderly MD PHD DDS resides here along with two others. The side room is blocked by a force field which can be disabled with an upgraded sonic emitter.
Enemies: Lobotomites, Mister Orderly, Doctor Orderly MD PHD DDS (a unique Mister Orderly).
Related quests:
- All My Friends Have Off Switches (Find the missing modules for the Auto-Doc).
- Influencing People (Find the upgrades to The Sink's Auto-Doc).
Notable loot: Auto-Doc Upgrade: Implant C-13 (holotape), Auto-Doc Upgrade: Cosmetic Enhancements (holotape), Sink Project: Auto-Doc (holotape), Christine's CoS recon armor, Valence radii-accentuator (can be looted from Doctor Orderly MD PHD DDS), Sterilizer glove.
Z-9 Crotalus DNA Preservation Lab
The Z-9 Crotalus DNA Preservation Lab was responsible for research on the night stalkers. It was here that Dr. Borous created the night stalkers.
Enemies: Night stalkers, Shadis (a unique night stalker).
Related quest: Influencing People (Find the upgrades to The Sink's Auto-Doc).
Tools: Deluxe chemistry set (2), Electric hot plate.
Notable loot: Auto-Doc Upgrade: Implant Y-3 (holotape), Lad's Life, Proton throwing axes (3).
Z-14 Pepsinae DNA Splicing Lab
The Z-14 Pepsinae DNA Splicing Lab was responsible for research on the cazadores. It was here that Dr. Borous created the cazadores.
Enemies: Cazadores, Specimen 73 (a unique cazador).
Related quest: Influencing People (Find the upgrades to The Sink's Auto-Doc).
Tools: Deluxe chemistry set.
Notable loot: Auto-Doc Upgrade: Implant M-5 (holotape), Atomic-valence tri-radii-oscillator on Specimen 73, Stealth Boy, Proton throwing axes (4).
Z-38 Lightwave Dynamics Research
The Z-38 Lightwave Dynamics Research is guarded by lobotomites and a pack of night stalkers. The interior has a couple of patrolling non-hostile holograms and a terminal which makes references to Frederick Sinclair from Dead Money.
Inhabitants: Holograms.
Enemies: Night stalkers, Lobotomites.
Notable loot: Valence radii-accentuator (in a column of light in the middle of the first floor), Recipes - Energy Weapons skill book, 5 Proton throwing axes (three located in the southwest corner of the upstairs platform, and two in a dumpster behind the building).
Note: Upon walking into the big light beam, control of the Courier will be lost. Twelve hours will pass when in the light before the Courier regains control.
Z-43 Innovative Toxins Plant
The Z-43 Innovative Toxins Plant appears to have been the original development source for the toxic red haze known as the Cloud, which appeared in Dead Money. The entire facility is radioactive.
Enemies: Y-17 trauma override harnesses.
Notable loot: Hazmat pod security code (this holotape will unlock the hazmat pod in the Hazmat Testing Ground), Corrosive glove.

Big MT East Tunnel
Big MT North Tunnel
Big MT West Tunnel
Construction Site
Elijah's Watch
Forbidden Zone Dome Entrance
Hazmat Testing Ground
Higgs Village
Little Yangtze
Loading Station
Magnetohydraulics Complex
Mysterious Cave
Saturnite Alloy Research Facility
Securitron De-Construction Plant
Signal Hills Transmitter
The Cuckoo's Nest
The Sink Balcony
The Think Tank
Ulysses' Point
Waste Disintegration Platform
X-2 Transmitter Antenna Array
X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch
X-7b "Boom Town" Target Zone
X-8 Research Center
X-12 Research Center
X-13 Research Facility
X-17 Meteorological Station
X-22 Botanical Garden
X-66 Hexcrete Archipelago
Y-0 Research Center
Y-17 Medical Facility
Z-9 Crotalus DNA Preservation Lab
Z-14 Pepsinae DNA Splicing Lab
Z-38 Lightwave Dynamics Research
Z-43 Innovative Toxins Plant