Oblivion, Map of Skingrad, Guide to Skingrad
Excerpts from Alessia Ottus' Guide to Skingrad
Skingrad County is famous for its wines, tomatoes, and cheeses, and the town of Skingrad is one of the cleanest, safest, and most prosperous towns in Cyrodiil. Located in the heart of the West Weald highlands, Skingrad is the gem of Old Colovia, and a model of the Colovian virtues of independence, hardwork, and tough-mindedness.
Skingrad has three districts: the Castle, Hightown, and Chapel. A low road runs east-west under the walls and bridges of the upper town. The guilds and West Weald Inn are in the west of HighTown, while many shops and upper class residence are arranged along a street in the north. The southern half of the town includes the chapel at its east end, with Skingrad's other lodgings, the Two Sisters Inn, on a street in the center, with other residences, modest and mean, scattered through the rest of the district. Gates and bridges cross the low road to connect Hightown and Chapel in several places. Castle Skingrad is completely separate from the town, standing on a high prominence to the southeast. A road from the town's east gate leads from town to the castle.
Janus Hassildor, Count Skingrad, has ruled Skingrad for many years, and is known by reputation to be a powerful wizard. He is a very private man, and declined all requests for an interview, and he shamefully neglects his chapel devotions to the Nine. How are the people to learn public virtue if not from the model of their ruler? Nonetheless, he is widely honored and respected by his people, and Skingrad is a model of a well-run, orderly county. Crime, gambling, and public drunkeness are almost unknown, and its wines and cheeses command high prices all over Tamriel.
- Mages Guild:
- Skingrad Recommendation
- Ulterior Motives
- Information at a Price
- Thieves Guild:
- Lost Histories
- Dark Brotherhood:
- Whodunit?
- Side:
- Paranoia
- Seeking Your Roots
- Buying a house in Skingrad
- Helping Hands
- The Rosethorn Cache
- Castle Skingrad:
- Count Janus Hassildor
- Countess Rona Hassildor
- Shum gro-Yarug (Rosethorn Hall)
- Hal-Liurz
- Mercator Hosidus
- Pale Lady
- Theranis
- Guards:
- Dion
- Danus Artellian
- Fighters Guild:
- Ah-Malz
- Fadus Calidius, Block Training, Basic (0-40)
- Parwen
- Maglir
- Mages Guild (Sp.: Destruction):
- Adrienne Berene, Merchant (Destruction Spells)
- Druja, Merchant (Destruction Spells), Mysticism Training, Basic (0-40)
- Sulinus Vassinus, Merchant (Destruction Spells), Conjuration Training, Basic (0-40)
- Vigge the Cautious, Merchant (Destruction Spells/Recharge)
- Erthor
- Chapel of Julianos:
- Valandrus Abor
- Marie Palielle, Merchant (Restoration Spells), Restoration Training, Basic (0-40)
- Tumindil, Merchant (Restoration Spells)
- Beggars:
- Foul Fagus
- Nigidius the Needy
- Grateful Pass Stables:
- Ugak gra-Mogakh, Merchant (Bay Horse)
- Tilmo
- Tamika Vineyards:
- Arterion
- Mondrar Henim
- Summitmist Manor:
- Fafnir (DB)
- Dovesi Dran
- Matilde Petit
- Nels the Naughty
- Neville
- Primo Antonius
- Other:
- Agnete the Pickled, Hammer and Tongs - Merchant (Armor/Weapons/Misc., Repairs)
- Falanu Hlaalu, All Things Alchemical - Merchant (Ingredients/Potions)
- Sinderion, West Weald Inn - Merchant (Ingredients/Potions), Alchemy Training, Master (71-100)
- Gunder, Colovian Traders - Merchant (General, Home Upgrades)
- Erina Jeranus, West Weald Inn - Food/Bed
- Mog gra-Mogakh, Two Sisters Lodge - Food/Bed
- Reman Broder (TG), Marksman Training, Advanced (0-70)
- Ambroise Canne, Block Training, Advanced (0-70)
- Tamika
- Bernadette Peneles
- Davide Surilie
- Gaston Surilie
- Toutius Sextius
- Glarthir
- Eyja
- Lazare Milvan
- Else God-Hater
- Graklak gro-Buglump
- Salmo
- Shameer, Marksman Training, Basic (0-40)
- Undena Orethi
- Uuras the Shepherd, Athletics Training, Basic (0-40)
- Vandorallen Trebatius
- Vontus Idolus
- Carsten
- Eridor
- Shamar
Rosethorn Hall can be purchased from Shum gro-Yarug, the Orc butler of Count Hassildor, for 25,000 gold. Upgrades for home can be purchased from Gunder at Colovian Traders.
- Seller: Shum gro-Yarug (disposition 70+, fame 15+);
- Price to Purchase Home: 25000 gold;
- Upgrades Purchased From: Gunder at Colovian Traders;
- Total Base Cost of All Upgrades: 23200 gold.
Additional quests (available once you own Rosethorn Hall):
- Helping Hands: Hire a housekeeper for your manor in Skingrad (Eyja in the Colovian Traders).
- The Rosethorn Cache: Find the hidden treasure of a thief who lived 200 years ago.
- House Balcony Area (1600 gold): Stools (2), Rugs (2), Chair (1), Chest (1), Small Table (1), Assorted Candles;
- House Balcony Upgrade (1400 gold): Large Shelves (2), Assorted Candles, Assorted Pottery;
- House Bedroom Area (1600 gold): Clothing Cupboards (2), Bed Upgrade (1), Set of Shelves (1), Chest (1), Dresser (1), Rug (1), Stool (1);
- House Den Area (1600 gold): Dressers (2), Desk (1), Chair (1), Rug (1), Assorted Wall-Mounted Candle Sconces, Assorted Pottery;
- House Dining Area (1600 gold): Chairs (3), Set of Shelves (1), Chandelier (1), Large Rug (1), Candle Holder (1), Silver Place Settings and Utensils, Assorted Pottery;
- House Display Case Upgrade (1000 gold): Large Display Cases (3), Small Display Cases (4), Assorted Candles;
- House Kitchen Area (1600 gold): Cupboards (1 Food, 1 Drink), Table (1), Barrel (1), Set of Scales (1), Assorted Pottery;
- House Lower Wall Hangings (1600 gold): Paintings (10), Tapestries (5);
- House Servants Quarters (1600 gold): Stools (2), Privacy Screen (1), Bed (1), Clothing Cupboard (1), Table (1), Chest (1), Assorted Candles, Assorted Pottery;
- House Sitting Area (1600 gold): Stools (2), Rugs (2), Bench (1), Set of Shelves (1), Table (1), Assorted Pottery;
- House Storage Area (1600 gold): Crates (4), Barrels (4), Chests (3), Wine Racks (2), Set of Shelves (1), Assorted Candle Holders;
- House Study Area (1600 gold): Bookshelves (2), Executive Desk (1), Chair (1), Chest (1), Decorative Mini-Tapestries;
- House Upper Hall Area (1600 gold): Chests (2), Chairs (2), Set of Shelves (1), Small Table (1), Rug (1), Assorted Candles, Assorted Pottery;
- House Upper Sitting Area (1600 gold): Stools (2), Chairs (2), Table (1), Chandelier (1), Assorted Pottery;
- House Upper Wall Hangings (1600 gold): Tapestries (6), Paintings (5).

1 - Skingrad Fighters Guild, 2 - West Weald Inn, 3 - Skingrad Mages Guild, 4 - Colovian Traders, 5 - All Things Alchemical, 6 - Lazare Milvan's House, 7 - Hammer and Tongs, 8 - Nerastarel's House, 9 - Rosethorn Hall, 10 - Summitmist Manor, 11 - Toutius Sextius' House, 12 - Skingrad Town Guard House, 13 - Skingrad - East Gate, 14 - Skingrad - West Gate, 15 - Reman Broder's House, 16 - Ambroise Canne's House, 17 - Two Sisters Lodge, 18 - Salmo the Baker's House, 19 - Surilie Brothers' House, 20 - Glarthir's House, 21 - Shameer's House, 22 - The Great Chapel of Julianos, 23 - Undena Orethi's House, 24 - Uuras the Shepherd's House, 25 - Bernadette Peneles' House, 26 - Tamika's House, 27 - Skingrad Castle