Oblivion, Map of Imperial City and its Environs, Guide to the Imperial City
Excerpts from Alessia Ottus' Guide to the Imperial City
The Imperial City. Who do you think lives in the Imperial City? Uriel Septim, Emperor of Tamriel, Defender of the Faith, and Descendant of the Sainted Tiber Septim, Lord Talos, the Holy God of State and Law in our Blessed Nine Divines. All know the emperor to be a good and holy man, for he may often be seen in the Temple of the One, making his devotions to the Nine Divines and the Communion of Saints.
And where does he live? In the Imperial Palace, in the center of the Imperial City, in the White Gold Tower which was built many ages ago by the godless, Daedra-loving Ayleids. How fine it is that the stones raised high by this ancient evil empire are now reconsecrated as a monument to Imperial justice and piety.
People who visit the Imperial Palace like to walk among the graves of saints and counts, battlemages and emperors, and gaze with wonder upon White Gold Tower, which can be seen from any place within the City.
Imperial City Districts. The Imperial City is divided into ten districts. At the center is the Imperial Palace. The other districts are grouped around the Palace. To the northwest is Elven Gardens, a pleasant residential district.
Continuing widdershins, the Talos District, an exclusive residential area, lies to the west. To the southwest is the Temple District, and beyond it, outside the walls, the filthy and bad-smelling Waterfront District. To the southeast lies the Arboretum, and beyond that, outside the walls, the infamous Arcane University of the Mages Guild. To the east is the notorious Arena District. And last, to the northeast of the Palace lies the Market District, where anything may be bought, and beyond the Market District, outside the city walls, the Imperial Prison.
- The Arena
- Umbacano the Collector:
- The Collector
- Nothing You Can Possess
- Secrets of the Ayleids
- Side:
- Unfriendly Competition
- Order of the Virtuous Blood
- An Unexpected Voyage
- Imperial Corruption
- Origin of the Gray Prince
- Buy a house in the Imperial City
- Imperial Palace:
- High Chancellor Ocato
- Evangeline Beanique
- Imperial Legion/Watch:
- Adamus Phillida
- Giovanni Civello
- Hieronymus Lex
- Itius Hayn
- Audens Avidius
- Servatius Quintilius
- Carmalo Truiand
- Captain Gepard Montrose
- Thieves Guild:
- Armand Christophe (Lockpicks)
- Ancus Afranius
- Amusei
- Carwen
- Dynari Amnis
- Dovyn Aren, Alteration Training, Basic (0-40)
- Fathis Ules, Fence (General)
- Hillod the Outlaw
- Isleif the Open Handed
- Jair
- J'baana, Security Training, Master (71-100)
- Mandil, Security Training, Advanced (0-70)
- Methredhel
- Myvryna Arano
- Othrelos, Sneak Training, Advanced (0-70)
- Imperial Dungeon:
- Emperor Uriel Septim (Tutorial)
- Captain Renault (Tutorial)
- Baurus (Tutorial)
- Glenroy (Tutorial)
- Valen Dreth
- Claudius Arcadia
- Market District:
- Calindil, Mystic Emporium - Merchant (Weapons/Armor/Books/Misc, General Spells)
- Palonirya, Divine Elegance - Merchant (Clothing), Mercantile Training, Master (71-100)
- Urbul gro-Orkulg, Slash 'N Smash - Merchant (Weapons/Armor/Misc, Repairs)
- Claudette Perrick, The Gilded Carafe - Merchant (Ingredients/Potions)
- Varnado, The Best Defense - Merchant (Weapons/Armor/Misc, Repairs), Heavy Armor Training, Advanced (0-70)
- Maro Rufus, The Best Defense - Merchant (Weapons/Armor/Misc, Repairs)
- Gin-Wulm, Armorer Training, Master (71-100)
- Vinicia Melissaeia (House)
- Viator Accius, Stonewall Shields - Merchant (Weapons/Armor/Misc, Repairs)
- Edgar Vautrine, Edgar's Discount Spells - Merchant (Magic Items, General Spells)
- Rindir, Rindir's Staffs - Merchant (Weapons/Armor/Clothing/Misc)
- Thoronir, The Copious Coinpurse - Merchant (General)
- Phintias, First Edition - Merchant (Books)
- Velus Hosidius, The Merchants Inn - Food/Bed
- Rohssan, A Fighting Chance - Merchant (Weapons/Armor/Misc, Repairs), Armorer Training, Advanced (0-70))
- Ogier Georick, The Main Ingredient - Merchant (Ingredients/Potions)
- Sergius Verus, Three Brothers Trade Goods - Merchant (General, Home Upgrades)
- Tertullian Verus, Three Brothers Trade Goods - Merchant (General)
- Cicero Verus
- Jensine, Jensine's 'Good as New' Merchandise - Merchant (General)
- Delos Fandas, The Feed Bag - Food
- Gelephor
- Hamlof Red-Tooth, Red Diamond Jewelry - Merchant (Clothing/Magic Items/Misc)
- Arena District:
- Owyn
- Ysabel Andronicus
- Agronak gro-Malog
- Hundolin
- Adoring Fan
- Branwen
- Saliith
- Blue Team Gladiator
- Yellow Team Champion
- Arcane University:
- Hannibal Traven
- Raminus Polus, Merchant (General Spells)
- Irlav Jarol
- Caranya
- Borissean, Merchant (General Spells)
- Gaspar Stegine, Merchant (General Spells)
- Bothiel
- Boderi Farano, Mysticism Training, Advanced (0-70)
- Delmar
- Fithragaer
- Julienne Fanis, Merchant (Ingredients/Potions)
- Martina Floria, (Recharge), Illusion Training, Master (71-100)
- Renald Viernis
- Tar-Meena
- Temple District:
- Alessia Ottus
- Algot the Northerner
- Amantius Allectus
- Caula Allectus
- Cylben Dolovas
- Hagaer
- Hastrel Ottus
- Ida Ottus
- Jeelius
- J'mhad
- Luronk gro-Glurzog
- Marana Rian, Sneak Training, Master (71-100)
- Marguerite Diel
- Pennus Mallius
- Praxedes Afranius
- Ralsa Norvalo
- Renee Geonette
- Roland Jenseric
- Ruslan
- Salomon Geonette
- Stantus Varrid
- Styrbjorn
- Tandilwe, Speechcraft Training, Master (71-100)
- Trenus Duronius
- Willet, The All-Saints Inn - Food/Bed
- Seridur (Order of the Virtuous Blood)
- Gilen Norvalo (Order of the Virtuous Blood)
- Grey-Throat (Order of the Virtuous Blood)
- Waterfront:
- Adanrel
- Bronsila Kvinchal
- Damian Magius
- Dranas Llethro
- First Mate Malvulis
- Gaston Tussaud
- Kastav Kvinchal
- Uzul gro-Grulam
- Vlanarus Kvinchal
- Velan Andus
- The Bloated Float Inn:
- Ormil - Food/Bed
- Graman gro-Marad
- Lynch
- Minx
- Selene
- Wrath
- Talos Plaza District:
- Agarmir
- Angelie
- Areldil
- Astinia Atius
- Atraena
- Augusta Calidia, Tiber Septim Hotel - Food/Bed
- Collatinus Vedius
- Dorian
- Dralora Athram
- Elragail
- Erissare Arenim
- Ernest Manis, The Foaming Flask - Food/Bed
- Faelian
- Gemellus Axius
- Gwinas
- Helvo Atius
- Jakben, Earl of Imbel
- Ontus Vanin
- Rochelle Bantien
- Samuel Bantien, Security Training, Basic (0-40)
- Severius Atius
- S'rathad
- Soris Arenim
- Thamriel
- Ulen Athram
- Hassiri (Black Horse Courier)
- Ra'jiradh (Black Horse Courier)
- Urjabhi (Black Horse Courier)
- Umbacano's Household:
- Umbacano
- Jollring
- Matthias Draconis
- Surius Afranius
- Umog gra-Marad
- Usheeja
- Chestnut Handy Stables:
- Snak gra-Bura
- Brielus Gawey
- Restita Statlilia
- Shady Sam, Merchant (Ingredients/Potions)
- Elven Gardens District:
- Adrian Decanius
- Astav Wirich
- Beran Sintav
- Carmana Sintav
- Cyronin Sintav
- Dul gro-Shug, Light Armor Training, Basic (0-40)
- Elisa Pierrane
- Geem Jasaiin
- Herminia Cinna
- Ida Vlinorman, Acrobatics Training, Basic (0-40)
- Iniel Sintav
- Irene Metrick, Blunt Training, Master (71-100)
- Jastia Sintav
- Jena Sintav
- Kastus Sintav
- Ley Marillin, The King and Queen's Tavern - Food/Bed
- Luther Broad, Luther Broad's Boarding House - Food/Bed
- Lorkmir
- Marinus Catiotus
- Pista Marillin
- Ra'Jhan
- Roderic Pierrane
- Romana Faleria
- Tertius Favonius
- Vontan Sintav
- Winson
- Wumeek
- Beggars:
- Fralav the Faker
- Larthjar the Laggard
- No-Coins Draninus
- Puny Ancus
- Ragbag Buntara
- Simplicia the Slow
Shack for Sale is a house for sale in the Imperial City's Waterfront District. The shack can be purchased from Vinicia Melissaeia in the Office of Imperial Commerce for 2000 gold. Upgrades for home can be purchased from Sergius Verus at Three Brothers Trade Goods. Without all upgrades, the home contains only a bed, a chair, and a table.
- Seller: Vinicia Melissaeia in the Office of Imperial Commerce (disposition 50+);
- Price to Purchase Home: 2000 gold;
- Upgrades Purchased From: Sergius Verus at Three Brothers Trade Goods;
- Total Base Cost of All Upgrades: 2000 gold.
- House Dining Area (400 gold): Set of Shelves (1), Rug (1), Assorted Pottery and Utensils, Assorted Candles;
- House Kitchen Area (400 gold): Cupboard (1), Rug (1), Thatched Basket (1), Assorted Pottery;
- House Sitting Area (400 gold): Chairs (2), Small Table (1);
- House Storage Area (400 gold): Dressers (2), Chest (1), Assorted Candles;
- House Wall Hangings (400 gold): Tapestries (3), Paintings (1).

- Imperial Prison Sewer
- Prison
- The Bastion
- The Bastion
- Imperial Legion Barracks
- Imperial Legion Barracks
- Armory
- Imperial City Sewers - North Exit
- Market District
- Market District
- Market District
- North Watch Tower
- North Watch Tower
- Divine Elegance
- Mystic Emporium
- Slash 'N Smash
- The Gilded Carafe
- The Best Defense
- Office of Imperial Commerce
- Stonewall Shields
- Edgar's Discount Spells
- Rindir's Staffs
- The Market Sewers
- The Copious Coinpurse
- First Edition
- The Merchants Inn
- A Fighting Chance
- The Main Ingredient
- Black Horse Courier
- Three Brothers Trade Goods
- Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise
- Warehouse
- The Feed Bag
- Red Diamond Jewelry
- Arena
- Arena
- Northeast Watch Tower
- Northeast Watch Tower
- Arena Bloodworks
- Arena
- Arena
- Arboretum
- Arboretum
- Arboretum
- Southeast Watch Tower
- Southeast Watch Tower
- The South East Tunnel
- Imperial Sewer - South East Exit
- The Arcane University
- Arch-Mage's Lobby
- Arch-Mage's Lobby
- Arch-Mage's Lobby
- Imperial Orrery
- Praxographical Center
- Mystic Archives
- Mage Quarters
- Imperial Watchtower
- Practice Rooms
- Chironasium
- Lustratorium
- Temple District
- Temple District
- Temple District
- South Watch Tower
- South Watch Tower
- Grey-Throat's House
- Luronk gro-Glurzog's House
- Ruslan's House
- Hagaer's House
- Seridur's House
- Salomon Geonette's House
- Amantius Allectus' House
- J'mhad's House
- Roland Jenseric's House
- Stantus Varrid's House
- The Temple of the One
- The Temple of the One
- Marana Rian's House
- Surius Afranius' House
- Pennus Mallius' House
- Trenus Duronius' House
- Hastrel Ottus' House
- Algot's House
- The All-Saints Inn
- Gilen Norvalo's House
- Graman gro-Marad's House
- Waterfront
- Lighthouse
- The Bloated Float
- The Bloated Float
- The Bloated Float
- Imperial Trading Company Warehouse
- Imperial Trading Company Warehouse
- Imperial Trading Company Office
- Garden of Dareloth
- Marie Elena
- Marie Elena
- Abandoned Shack
- Methredhel's House
- Myvryna Arano's House
- Armand Christophe's House
- Armand Christophe's House
- Kvinchal's Shack
- Jair's Shack
- Jair's Shack
- Shack for Sale
- Dzonot Cave
- Talos Plaza District
- Talos Plaza District
- Talos Plaza District
- Southwest Watch Tower
- Southwest Watch Tower
- Areldil's House
- Dorian's House
- Jakben Imbel's House
- The Tiber Septim Hotel
- Sevarius Atius' House
- Talos Plaza Sewers
- Helvo Atius' House
- Angelie's House
- Samuel Bantien's House
- Matthias Draconis' House
- Agarmir's House
- Ontus Vanin's House
- Claudius Arcadia's House
- Umbacano Manor
- Ulen Athram's House
- Dynari Amnis' House
- Thamriel's House
- Ra'jiradh's House
- The Foaming Flask
- Soris Arenim's House
- Astinia Atius' House
- Usheeja's House
- S'rathad's House
- Wayshrine of Julianos
- Shady Sam
- Chestnut Handy Stables
- Elven Gardens District
- Elven Gardens District
- Northwest Watch Tower
- Northwest Watch Tower
- Cyronin Sintav's House
- Irene Metrick's House
- Adrian Decanius' House
- Dul gro-Shug's House
- Lorkmir's House
- Iniel Sintav's House
- The King and Queen Tavern
- Geem Jasaiin's House
- Wumeek's House
- Fathis Ules' House
- Jastia Sintav's House
- Guard House
- Tertius Favonius' House
- Othrelos' House
- Marinus Catiotus' House
- Ida Vlinorman's House
- Dovyn Aren's House
- Luther Broad's Boarding House
- Kastus Sintav's House
- Roderic Pierrane's House
- Ra'jhan's House
- Herminia Cinna's House
- The Elven Garden Sewers
- Sinkhole Cave
- Hestra Rune Stone
- Imperial City Palace
- Imperial City Palace
- Imperial City Palace
- Imperial City Palace
- Imperial City Palace
- Imperial City Palace
- Elder Council Chambers
- Trentius Family Mausoleum