Abandoned Car Fort
Agatha's House
Alexandria Arms
Alien Homing Beacon (Mothership Zeta)
Anacostia Crossing
Anchorage Memorial
AntAgonizer Lair
Arlington Cemetery North
Arlington Cemetery South
Arlington Library
Bailey's Crossroads (Operation: Anchorage)
Bethesda Ruins
Big Town
Broadcast Tower KB5
Broadcast Tower KT8
Broadcast Tower LP8
Canterbury Commons
Charnel House
Chaste Acres Dairy Farm
Chevy Chase East
Chevy Chase North
Chryslus Building
Cliffside Cavern
Clifftop Shacks
Corvega Factory
County Sewer Mainline
Deathclaw Sanctuary
Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel
Drowned Devil's Crossing
Dukov's Place
Dunwich Building
Dupont East
Dupont Northeast
Dupont Station
Dupont West
Everglow National Campground
Evergreen Mills
F. Scott Key Trail & Campground
Faded Pomp Estates
Fairfax Ruins
Falls Church East
Falls Church Metro
Falls Church North
Farragut West Metro Station
Five Axles Rest Stop
Flooded Metro (Arlington/Wasteland)
Flooded Metro
Fordham Flash Memorial Field
Fort Bannister
Fort Constantine
Fort Independence
Friendship Heights
GNR Building Plaza
Georgetown East
Georgetown North
Georgetown South
Georgetown West
Germantown Police HQ
Greener Pastures Disposal Site
Grisly Diner
Hallowed Moors Cemetery
Hamilton's Hideaway
Holy Light Monastery (Broken Steel)
Hubris Comics
Irradiated Metro
Jalbert Brothers Waste Disposal
Jefferson Memorial
Jocko's Pop & Gas stop
Jury Street Metro Station
Kaelyn's Bed & Breakfast
L'Enfant Plaza
L'Enfant South
Lincoln Memorial
Little Lamplight
MDPL Mass Relay Station
MDPL-05 Power Station
MDPL-13 Power Station
MDPL-16 Power Station
MDPL-21 Power Station
Mall Northwest
Mall Southwest
Mama Dolce's
Marigold Station
Mason District South
Mason Dixon Salvage
Meresti Trainyard
Metro Central
Montgomery County Reservoir
Moonbeam Outdoor Cinema
Mount Mabel Camp Ground
Museum Authority Building (Broken Steel)
Museum of History
Museum of Technology
National Guard Depot
Northwest Seneca Station
Nuka-Cola Plant
Old Olney
Our Lady of Hope Hospital
Outcast Outpost (Operation: Anchorage)
Paradise Falls
Penn. Ave East
Penn. Ave North
Penn. Ave Northwest
Penn. Ave South
Radio Tower (The Pitt)
Ranger Compound
Raven Rock
Reclining Groves Resort Homes
Red Racer Factory
Regulator HQ
Relay Tower KX-B8-11
Riverboat Landing (Point Lookout)
Rivet City
RobCo Facility
Robot Repair Center
Rock Creek Caverns
Rockbreaker's Last Gas
Rockland Car Tunnel (Broken Steel)
Roosevelt Academy
SatCom Array NN-03d
SatCom Array NW-05a
SatCom Array NW-07c
Seward Sq. North Metro
Seward Sq. Northwest
Seward Sq. Southeast
Sewer Waystation
Smith Casey's Garage
Springvale School
Super-Duper Mart
Takoma Industrial
Takoma Park
Temple of the Union
Tenpenny Tower
Tepid Sewers
The Capitol Building
The Citadel
The Mall Northeast
The National Archives
The Overlook Drive-In
The Republic of Dave
The Silver Lining Drive-In
The Statesman Hotel
The Washington Monument
Train Tunnel (The Pitt)
VAPL-58 Power Station
VAPL-66 Power Station
VAPL-84 Power Station
Vault 87
Vault 92
Vault 101
Vault 106
Vault 108
Vault-Tec Headquarters
Vernon Square East
Vernon Square North
Vernon Square Station
WKML Broadcast Station
Warrington Station
Warrington Trainyard
Wheaton Armory
White House
White House Plaza (Broken Steel)
Wilhelm's Wharf
Yao Guai Tunnels
Bobblehead - Strength
Megaton: Lucas Simms' houseBobblehead - Perception
Republic of Dave: Museum of DaveBobblehead - Endurance
Deathclaw SanctuaryBobblehead - Charisma
Vault 108: Cloning LabBobblehead - Intelligence
Rivet City: Science LabBobblehead - Agility
Greener Pastures Disposal: OfficeBobblehead - Luck
Arlington Cemetery North: Arlington HouseBobblehead - Barter
Evergreen Mills: BazaarBobblehead - Big Guns
Fort Constantine: CO QuartersBobblehead - Energy Weapons
Raven Rock: Colonel Autumn's bedroomBobblehead - Explosives
WKML Broadcast Station: Sealed CisternBobblehead - Lockpick
Bethesda Ruins: Bethesda Offices EastBobblehead - Medicine
Vault 101: On the James's deskBobblehead - Melee Weapons
Dunwich Building: Virulant UnderchambersBobblehead - Repair
Arefu: Evan King's HouseBobblehead - Science
Vault 106: Living QuartersBobblehead - Small Guns
National Guard Depot: National Guard ArmoryBobblehead - Sneak
Yao guai tunnels: Yao guai denBobblehead - Speech
Paradise Falls: Eulogy's PadBobblehead - Unarmed
Rockopolis, next to Argyle's body
Keller Family Transcript 1 of 5
Pylon shack north VAPL-58 Power StationKeller Family Transcript 2 of 5
Hallowed Moors CemeteryKeller Family Transcript 3 of 5
Grisly DinerKeller Family Transcript 4 of 5
Sniper shack west Rockbreaker's Last GasKeller Family Transcript 5 of 5
Semi-truck and tent north Dukov's PlaceLucky shades
Lucky's, the grocery southwest of Tenpenny TowerLucky 8 Ball
Big Trouble in Big TownRanger battle armor
Reilly's RangersNaughty nightwear
Marigold Metro Station: Grady's PackageYew's bear charm
Oasis: Sapling Yew's giftLincoln's hat
Museum of History Lower Halls: OfficesButton's wig
National Archives: Stealing Independence